
Friday, June 27, 2008

AOL Community Challenge-The Magic Hour- JUDGED

The winner is GINA!

Thank you all, for participating.  The judging category is officially over.(at least for now)  I may post some ideas on our future challenges so we all can work on them through out the summer.
I will still post once or twice a month a challenge for that month's challenge.  It will only be for FUN.
Thank you ROB, VICKI & BETTY for helping out.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

AOL Community Challenge•FIREWORKS•FUN only


The Challenge for  the month of July is FIREWORKS.  There is only one category-FUN.  So everyone try to capture some fireworks & head back here & leave your link.  You can start posting now till July 22nd.  Read guidelines if you are posting for the first time.

AOL Community Challenge-The Magic Hour- FUN

We had a few different  entries on The Magic Hour FUN category, so this week I am only highlighting one entry.

This one is by Betty.

Clyde sent me After the Sun
Check it out~

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Critiques vs. Opinions...

I posted this in my journal (Visions by Vicki) and Marie suggested that I repost it here for all our photographers to, here goes:

I've been a member of the Monmouth Camera Club, in NJ, for 2 years and have been involved in a number of "competitions." I'm still no expert, but have observed that some judges seem to follow what they believe are iron-clad rules of photography (Rule of Thirds, Leading Lines, etc.) in some cases, but don't apply these rules consistently. This angered and confused me a bit because they were being inconsistent and that didn't seem fair. Also, as far as I knew from all that I've read, these "Rules" are actually guidelines and NOT written in stone. I just read an article by one of the premier landscape photographers in the US--Alain Briot, Arts and Facts, The difference between judgments and opinions--and something clicked. It's definitely worth a read, so I suggest you go to his website and check it out. While you're there, browse through all his writings and photographs--he's really amazing! And...let me know what you think. :)

P.S. The original article referred to in this one was written for a different website, which I also highly recommend. The original article is titled Being an Artist.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

AOL Community Challenge-The American Flag*FUN*

Our June Photo challenge for FUN only, is The American Flag.  Find a flag anywhere, on a flag post, a building, painted on something....or just the red, white & blue colors.  You can even use a child's drawing as long as it has the red, white & blue colors.  I want to decorate our Challenge Journal for July 4th, so I am planning to make a quilt of all entries.  So the entry date will be different, it will start today & end on Monday the 23th of June.  This will give you an extra weekend.
Try to make your image into a square, if you can.UPDATE: don't worry about the size, just post whatever image you have for this challenge.  I see it's hard to crop/edit certain images into squares.
Post here in the comment section,  all new entries.  Try to follow guidelines...thanks~

Reminder & Small change

This is a reminder & a change in the due date for "The Magic Hour" entries.  They were due on the 27th of this month.  I am  making a small change &  the new due date is on the Thursday 26th. 

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Found Cameras & Orphan Pictures

Found a website through PostSecrets called Found Cameras & Orphan Pictures
It's worth checking out if you loose your camera or your memory cards~